This is a replay of The Schrems II Implementation Roadmap & Legal Benefits Workshop.
Over 2000 GCs, CPOs, DPOs and Outside Legal Counsel participated from 1700+ companies across 50+ countries. We hope you find the replay beneficial.
The workshop covered:
  • Achieving predictability of operations
  • Schrems II Impact on International Data Transfers
  • ALL SCCs require NEW technically enforced Supplementary Measures
  • What is GDPR-Compliant Pseudonymisation? Why does the EDPB recommend it as a Means of Compliance?
  • Anonos Approach to Achieving “Lawful Borderless Data”
Download The Schrems II Legal Solutions Guidebook that was presented on a Workshop with over 2000 GCs, DPOs, CPOs and external legal counsel.

A checklist and practical steps are provided so that privacy and legal advisors have a roadmap for moving forward.
Enable the predictability of business operations
Ensure compliance with fiduciary duties
*Schrems II refers to the ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-311/18 - Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems, commonly referred to publicly as “Schrems II.” Use of "Schrems II" in no way indicates any relationship or affiliation with, or endorsement by, Max Schrems or by the Non-Governmental Organisation, None of Your Business (NOYB), or any parties directly or indirectly associated with Max Schrems or NOYB.